贵人 [guìrén]
1. noun [尊贵的人] eminent person
2. noun [好人] good person
你是其中一个吗? =)
今天pon school..
可是现在心情是超爽的! 哈哈。。
因为刚才睡多一下下,精神好多了。 =)
now is mugging time man! -.-
Friday, October 31, 2008
Thursday, October 30, 2008
walked two bus stops from sch before boarding bus home..
maybe i like to walk?
and i feel super sleepy the whole day..
still feeling sleepy now..
but oh well, i need to use the com! HAHA
ibm test is postponed to next next week..
means more time for me to study..
hahh.. yeah, hope i really make use of the time!
and and. next week gonna have mlb event again! geee!
and i juz realise.. so many other weijian fans get to take pic with weijian! =( i dun have! =(
-wang zi qi bai ma-
maybe i like to walk?
and i feel super sleepy the whole day..
still feeling sleepy now..
but oh well, i need to use the com! HAHA
ibm test is postponed to next next week..
means more time for me to study..
hahh.. yeah, hope i really make use of the time!
and and. next week gonna have mlb event again! geee!
and i juz realise.. so many other weijian fans get to take pic with weijian! =( i dun have! =(
-wang zi qi bai ma-
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Monday, October 27, 2008
Sunday, October 26, 2008
ytd was SHA!
and it was happie day!
though i waited outside the stadium all nite,
it was worthwhile k! =D
met angeline in the afternoon to settle her hp thingy..
hmm. the whole thing ended later than wad we had expected..
after that she chiong to heeren to meet qianhui while i chiong to lucky plaza to meet yumin and huiqi.
and we headed straight to kallang. =D
so qi dai! =D=D
bought subway for dinner the moment we reached..
and we sat somewhere outside the stadium to consume our yummy sandwiches like pathetic souls. =x
we had somehow finished our dinner when we heard pekchoo scream!
hahah! all excited, we chiong to the carpark backstage area!
and saw MLB!! yeahhh!!
and what!
weijian was with them! walking beside sam!
geees. my two loves! hahaha!
but actually, i didnt see weijian at first. cos he wore black!
lol. it was yumin who told weijian was there la! haha.
omg. i'm really BLIND. HAHA!
throughout the 3 hours, we were juz standing there, with our ear pieces plugged in.
hahaha and we managed to peep in to the conference room where the singers are being interviewed.
yes.. saw weijian being interviewed! muahahahhas.
but this stupid staff went to close up the binds totally when he discovered a bunch of crazy ppl peeping in. LOL.
so we resumed our waiting and finallyyyyyyyy everything ended. =D
we waited so long for the boys to come out, but to no avail.
all were kinda disappointed.. even the tossing of coin was used to determine if we shld stay or leave.
and god was good to us. he helped us made the right choice! =D=D
we stayed.
and after some time, a van drove past..
some of us think that it was the milos van. but not very sure abt it.
so we decided to chiong there to see if we were right.
pekchoo, yumin and i were like running across the carpark lah.
totally unglam.
then yumin confirmed that the boys were in the van..
haha! happily, we chiong to the van.
and halfway thru, i saw someone so familiar!
he was surrounded by the fc ppl, chatting with them!
i dunno which side to go to. so i decided to see the boys instead..=(
cos i feel weird if i juz chap in with the fc ppl.. =/ and they were taking photos with weijian somemore!! AHHH!! >.<
okay, so i went to the van there..
hahaha. cheeky sam was showing his victory sign and his steady-lah thumbs up. hehehe. cute! =)
and we were seeing how pekchoo and qianhui chatting with sam and weiqi with their hps, they were texting messages to one another!
hahah! it was a funny scene you noe! =D
was busily looking at the boys and at the same time looking at weijian's grp.
hahaha. busy busy ya?!
then after some time, i turned and saw weijian heading back towards the van.
so i shouted weijian!
and waved goodbye to him. he waved back! but i'm not sure he had seen me not. =/
and so, the van left..
cab home with pekchoo, angeline and qianhui..
ahhss. tired! but happy~~ =D=D
seeing two loves at the same time isnt a good thing sometimes
ytd was SHA!
and it was happie day!
though i waited outside the stadium all nite,
it was worthwhile k! =D
met angeline in the afternoon to settle her hp thingy..
hmm. the whole thing ended later than wad we had expected..
after that she chiong to heeren to meet qianhui while i chiong to lucky plaza to meet yumin and huiqi.
and we headed straight to kallang. =D
so qi dai! =D=D
bought subway for dinner the moment we reached..
and we sat somewhere outside the stadium to consume our yummy sandwiches like pathetic souls. =x
we had somehow finished our dinner when we heard pekchoo scream!
hahah! all excited, we chiong to the carpark backstage area!
and saw MLB!! yeahhh!!
and what!
weijian was with them! walking beside sam!
geees. my two loves! hahaha!
but actually, i didnt see weijian at first. cos he wore black!
lol. it was yumin who told weijian was there la! haha.
omg. i'm really BLIND. HAHA!
throughout the 3 hours, we were juz standing there, with our ear pieces plugged in.
hahaha and we managed to peep in to the conference room where the singers are being interviewed.
yes.. saw weijian being interviewed! muahahahhas.
but this stupid staff went to close up the binds totally when he discovered a bunch of crazy ppl peeping in. LOL.
so we resumed our waiting and finallyyyyyyyy everything ended. =D
we waited so long for the boys to come out, but to no avail.
all were kinda disappointed.. even the tossing of coin was used to determine if we shld stay or leave.
and god was good to us. he helped us made the right choice! =D=D
we stayed.
and after some time, a van drove past..
some of us think that it was the milos van. but not very sure abt it.
so we decided to chiong there to see if we were right.
pekchoo, yumin and i were like running across the carpark lah.
totally unglam.
then yumin confirmed that the boys were in the van..
haha! happily, we chiong to the van.
and halfway thru, i saw someone so familiar!
he was surrounded by the fc ppl, chatting with them!
i dunno which side to go to. so i decided to see the boys instead..=(
cos i feel weird if i juz chap in with the fc ppl.. =/ and they were taking photos with weijian somemore!! AHHH!! >.<
okay, so i went to the van there..
hahaha. cheeky sam was showing his victory sign and his steady-lah thumbs up. hehehe. cute! =)
and we were seeing how pekchoo and qianhui chatting with sam and weiqi with their hps, they were texting messages to one another!
hahah! it was a funny scene you noe! =D
was busily looking at the boys and at the same time looking at weijian's grp.
hahaha. busy busy ya?!
then after some time, i turned and saw weijian heading back towards the van.
so i shouted weijian!
and waved goodbye to him. he waved back! but i'm not sure he had seen me not. =/
and so, the van left..
cab home with pekchoo, angeline and qianhui..
ahhss. tired! but happy~~ =D=D
seeing two loves at the same time isnt a good thing sometimes
Friday, October 24, 2008
Monday, October 20, 2008
after watching my 9pm show,
dun feel like mugging..
so i decided to sign in to msn instead.
yes.. you can rarely see me online.. =D
so if you see me online, it's your lucky day!
and guess what!
the moment i signed in, this small box popped out with the message
'Derrick何小弟' signed in'
so qiao!
so i quickly opened a conversation with him..
but till now he haven even talked yet..
but he added a lot of other fans to the conver!
wed's event is cancelled!
after watching my 9pm show,
dun feel like mugging..
so i decided to sign in to msn instead.
yes.. you can rarely see me online.. =D
so if you see me online, it's your lucky day!
and guess what!
the moment i signed in, this small box popped out with the message
'Derrick何小弟' signed in'
so qiao!
so i quickly opened a conversation with him..
but till now he haven even talked yet..
but he added a lot of other fans to the conver!
wed's event is cancelled!
Friday, October 17, 2008
the drummer.
the second singer.
the baby milo.
the talented one.
the cute one.
the cleanest one.
the funny one.
the lame one.
the happy go lucky one.
the mischievous one.
the disiao one.
the sporty one.
the smart one.
the sweet one.
the sincere one.
the blessed one.
the one with the pratas and eggs.
the one with the kopis
the one with the wheels.
the one with the braces.
the one i'm crazy over with.
the one and only samuel wong!
22 of them, juz for you.
stay cool and happy!
may you be blessed as always.
p.s this is extracted from last yr's entry. HAHA!
Thursday, October 16, 2008
tml's qian chang hui part 2!
excited!! =D
so today's IBM was quite alright..
time seemed to pass quite quickly..
then after sch pia to westmall to meet my son.
ate mos, then shopped at shop and save and i have the urge to eat chocolates!
haha so i bought Kinder Bueno to munch.
went mac to slack while son is studying..
and i snap snap snap.
LOL yes, this is my son. very big hor! hahahha~ =x
son, dun kill me upon seeing this pic! =x
Monday, October 13, 2008
wad the boys blogged:

nic : Just woke up.. been slping non stop!!...It was amazing... to be able to sign something we really call our own. It really felt great.. Hearing you guys sing.. Hearing the cheers that will resonate in my head for the next decade. It wasn't many people, but the people that were there really screamed their lungs out. The many familiar faces that we didn't see that day were missed.. shan't name them.. but i know deep in my heart they wanted to be there but couldn't make it. We know their hearts were there :) One more qian chang hui to go. We gonna have fun, and hope you guys would have fun with us again, singing, screaming, cheering this humble lil band that you guys have pulled through with for 2 yrs odd and running. Continue to run with us... our muscles are tired, but the spirit ain't weary just yet. We gonna go a long distance before we finally reach our finish line. Hope that there'll never be a finish line till we see "the wooden walls".
weiqi : Great day today. though full of unforeseen hiccups, but super happy and an emotional event for the 3 bros.. and u all (MLBIANS) played a huge role in making this event a success.. really glad u all made the effort to come..this round is a bit short(2songs) but the next one will be much longer(we will request k? heh heh) in fact this round we tried le but becos the event was meant to 'da' the first 2 songs. Even though the turn out was not uber fantastic, but the warmness was there, the family reunion feeling was back ;) and i dunno if u all realised, we were more at ease today (except for the XY$%& hardware failure which caused poor JunLi to try to find for more topics to talk about)..no choice, not enough $$. When we got more $ then we'll buy a more stable sound card ;) Once again, thanks for queuing up, buying the album, singing at the top of your lungs with us.. and most importantly, for showing the love!!! to those mlbians who couldn't make it, don't worry k? we understand that the timing can be quite hard for some studying and some working on sats.. so no worries.. let's see each other for this coming FRI!!! TAKE CARE PEEPS.. and thanks for the cards and gifts!!!
sam: Even though said many times already, i still wanna say THANK YOU, to each and everyone of you who support the 3 of us. At times i'll ask myself, what have we done to deserve such care and concern from you people. Its amazing. I'm really touched..As i opened up the gifts, i see the effort and thoughtfulness in them. You actuallly get us stuff that are really useful for us. Thank you. And i am truly encouraged by the cards and letters i've received. No worries, i've moved on. I'm not the best person i can be now (in all aspects), i will learn along the way.Cheers!
and the stuffs we(MLBians) gave them:
after reading this post, i'm all =)=)=)=)=)=) !
really happy to feel appreciated by the boys.
love them! and their music! =D
Saturday, October 11, 2008
today's MLB day!
and while waiting for 3pm to come,
i was down with flu, like, all of a sudden?!
and i was complaining that was the N^th time i sneezed. D:
and finally the boys appeared!! =D=D
是帥的lor! haha!
this is their overall 5th autograph session..
but it's the 1st time i've taken some nice photos of them.
didnt bring my cam along during the previous album.
so i'm glad i did this time!
the boys took some time to settle down for the songs..
but we took the chance to snap more photos. HAHA!
but i still think 2 songs are not enough! lol..
i want more! =D
and then it was the time to sign~
but was really nervous..
hmm. didnt tok much, juz some hellos and byes and stuff.
haha! but seeing them is already happiness.. =)
hmm the session ended quite early..
cos not many ppl. =/
and i'm happie today!
guess we stood at the correct spot for good view. hee!
Wednesday, October 08, 2008
Monday, October 06, 2008
superband grand finals last nite.
but i didnt get to see much of sam..
cos he was blocked by the drums.
and i was quite far from him.
and the boys are super shuai ytd!
guess it's the costumes effect. HAHA!
and i saw Mayday!
i cant rmb if i saw them before..
but being able to see them again is great!
didnt manage to take picture with dasmond too.
haha! shy lah shy lah.. lol
we understand,we seriously do.
Friday, October 03, 2008
Thursday, October 02, 2008

he's gonna teach drum lessons.
i didnt join lahhh.
no money.
and i dun think i can manage..
too old to learn a complicated instrument.
but i still love drums! =D
today i didnt want to wake up for sch again..
this is so siann.
every night i'm like, lying on my bed till 2-3am, then able to fall asleep.
haiz. hen xin ku!
dunno why cant sleep too..
it has been on going for abt a month! =(
tml's another friday~~
weekend's coming once again!
Wednesday, October 01, 2008
my 330th post!
that's so little! =(
i will jia you to reach my 1000th post!
so it's OCTOBER already!!
busy month eh?
but in the midst of busyness,
yes, i will, i will.. i will try my very best.
i promise!
after the month of oct, i will study harddddddddd!!
and he's leaving soon.. =(
that's so little! =(
i will jia you to reach my 1000th post!
so it's OCTOBER already!!
busy month eh?
but in the midst of busyness,
yes, i will, i will.. i will try my very best.
i promise!
after the month of oct, i will study harddddddddd!!
and he's leaving soon.. =(
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