friday 31Jul09:

took the day off to go cycling with the COpeeps!
pearlyn, ivy, peixuan, shiyun and me.
started off at east coast park,
and the very seldom cycle me had to warm up for abt 10 mins before grasping the theory of balancing. -.-
but i'm still not good at it. =(
cycled all the way to changi beach!
poor me had a hard time catching up, at the same time afraid of the slopes and uphills. lol
but i still made it to the beach lah. hahaha. so damn tiring. but good exercising.
was supposed to cycle back to east coast park to return the bike, but was too tired that me and shiyun returned ours at changi instead, while the rest cycled back and ivy drove back to meet us. lol.
dinner at KAP, then ivy fetched us home again.
thank you son for the ride! =D
sun 2aug09:
that was ytd.
meet up with tooters and guys at jp for lunch.
starbucks, then arcade.
weiling accompanied me while i was waiting to meet pinkie for dinner.
then we saw angpekchoo outside popular with her parents. haha wad a small world.