wahahahas! it's cny eve le!! hmm, time flies ya?
anyway, gong xi fa cai to everyone!! gees.
so ytd went for reunion dinner at a chinatown restaurant. bahhhx. the food was just okay. haha was quite sian lah. then finally,the dinner ended. =) so we went to OG to shop for a while. then took my aunt's bf's car home. i was feeling happie when i went home. cos.. muahahhahahas. i saw this OG promoter i saw the other day b4. he's quite cute lah. haha so qiao that i saw him again ytd. haha.
yup,ytd went back to nhHS. saw many friends and tchers.. and i was like, quite enthu lah. keep using JJ cheers back there. lol we did one cheer for mr liew(or issit liu?). that was done by ALL the JJ-cians. muahahhaas. we had the JJ spirit. =) then after that, we went to SA again. =) weiling looks so cute playing the cello lor! hahahs. richard also. his legs are like.. so long? =/ haha. very funny lah. their performance was okay lah. juz dun like the sound system. is like, too loud and focussed on certain instruments onli.
okay. today muz help mum to do some touch up on housework le.. meanwhile, have to complete my tutorial too. sian nah! i dun have mood to do my hw. =/
[humans have unlimited wants]
Saturday, January 28, 2006
Tuesday, January 17, 2006
this is the FIRST time i went home immediately after sch ends. haha. i very guai ya? lol
eh, 2 days of 'official' jc life had passed. i'm concluding that i dun really like jc life. =x i prefer sec sch life leh. sobsobs. how i miss my big classroom which can contain 36 ape genes and a forest. lol. i miss the pract rooms and all my tchers! mdm chong, pandian, surin,wassan, mrs lee and mr a yeo. oowwww.. why cant i juz stay at nan hua? with the students of jjc studying there. muahahahahs. crazy me.
haix. dunno lah. i dun like lectures. and i dun understand maths at all. shits. that's my best sub lor. sian. i'm still in a quandary whether to stay or go. well, that muz also see how i scored for my O's lah. which i think, will be 20+ ahhhh!!
[wo yao ni lao le qian wo shou, pei wo hui yi]
this is the FIRST time i went home immediately after sch ends. haha. i very guai ya? lol
eh, 2 days of 'official' jc life had passed. i'm concluding that i dun really like jc life. =x i prefer sec sch life leh. sobsobs. how i miss my big classroom which can contain 36 ape genes and a forest. lol. i miss the pract rooms and all my tchers! mdm chong, pandian, surin,wassan, mrs lee and mr a yeo. oowwww.. why cant i juz stay at nan hua? with the students of jjc studying there. muahahahahs. crazy me.
haix. dunno lah. i dun like lectures. and i dun understand maths at all. shits. that's my best sub lor. sian. i'm still in a quandary whether to stay or go. well, that muz also see how i scored for my O's lah. which i think, will be 20+ ahhhh!!
[wo yao ni lao le qian wo shou, pei wo hui yi]
Friday, January 13, 2006
oh, juz came back from jp. this is the 3rd time i went to jp within this week le. haha.
had lunch with the tooters plus the guy gang. cos they celebrating my bdae with me mah.. gees. thx guys! love you loads. x)
hmm so far.. received some pressies le. from mum, the soft toy dale. from dad, the superstars concert vcd. from ivy and shi yun(woon), a packet of famous amous cookies. from ivy plus dunno who. energy concert dvd. from tooters and guy gang, the soft toy chip and leehom's newest album. weeeeex. thx thx thx for all the pressies!
tml would be our family 2 outing. but i think almost all jc 1s are going lah. going sentosa. siann nah.haha. but i'm not going anyway. cos... i have co and lion dance training. -.-''
lion dance.yeah, feel excited but also scared. excited cos it's a new cca to me. scared cos.. i dunno if i can survive there when i'm so.. weak? haha. i hope i can cope with all those things lah.
this whole week having lecture. i think i dun really like lecture lehs. think i'll prefer tutorial bah. more like sec sch style. oh man. i miss nan hua! haha.
2 more days to my bdae...
had lunch with the tooters plus the guy gang. cos they celebrating my bdae with me mah.. gees. thx guys! love you loads. x)
hmm so far.. received some pressies le. from mum, the soft toy dale. from dad, the superstars concert vcd. from ivy and shi yun(woon), a packet of famous amous cookies. from ivy plus dunno who. energy concert dvd. from tooters and guy gang, the soft toy chip and leehom's newest album. weeeeex. thx thx thx for all the pressies!
tml would be our family 2 outing. but i think almost all jc 1s are going lah. going sentosa. siann nah.haha. but i'm not going anyway. cos... i have co and lion dance training. -.-''
lion dance.yeah, feel excited but also scared. excited cos it's a new cca to me. scared cos.. i dunno if i can survive there when i'm so.. weak? haha. i hope i can cope with all those things lah.
this whole week having lecture. i think i dun really like lecture lehs. think i'll prefer tutorial bah. more like sec sch style. oh man. i miss nan hua! haha.
2 more days to my bdae...
Sunday, January 08, 2006
i LOVE the camp!!! ahh.. to think i was dreading it in the beginning.. haha. terrible mistake.
yup. i LOVE JJC! i LOVE my ogLs~! i LOVE my og mates~! =)
oh well, actually, first day i still gong gong wan lah. haha. cannot blame me. i'm retarded. =) then as time goes by.. getting more enthu le.. was most enthu on second day, which was also JJ night. i practically jumped and cheered and screamed *yes i finally know how to scream haha* yes, the atmosphere was very very high! the balloons in the hall.. really so nice. mass dance was great! and the games were fun too. though at first glance i was like, eeeeell. haha but it turned out to be so fun! =) third day, which is also the last day, hmm. a bit she bu de liao.spirit was quite low. =/ oh ya. both nights were very cold! so dint reallie sleep well. but that doesnt matter.
hmm. i want to thank JJ for making this camp such a memoriable one. thx to mr simon liao(is that how it is spelled?) always joking with us. and also mr handsome ng~ haha.
thx to the ogLs. you guys are GReAt! they're the pretty and nice Yuko, crappy Cheng Wei and Mr nice guy Boon Heng. geeeees. and of cos my OG mates:
peishan(liew). nice and friendly with a pair of electri shocking eyes haha.
jessie. another pretty gal with long nice hair and a very cute voice. she's friendly too!
yiting. the very very first person i start to talk to. a very cute gal! haha thx for always accompanying me.
boon kiat. erm,dint really tok but think he's a nice guy ya? anyway,i think i'm in the same class as him.
kuan hui.often mistaken him as chein sze. haha nice guy too. was once my dance partner.
kenneth. hohoh..everyone call him the big guy. ya. same sch since pri.
sok leng. cool gal with three ear holes! she seem like a very guai gal though. nice and neat always.
grace. always seen with sokleng.haha. nice gal too. very friendly.
hui li. haha always mix up her and li hui. very enthu gal. keep up the work!
chie yin. dint tok much to him too. shy guy? haha
chein sze. wohoo. this is a band guy. nice to chat with. think was once my dance partner too.
debbie. gees! we always took the same bus to sch. knew each other since pri sch. nice and friendly gal.
li hui. haha ya,always mix her up with hui li. another enthu gal. her laughter can influence ppl.so ppl,be careful! lol
fadhil. ooh,this crappy and funny guy.like his smile a lot. =)
tien chai. weeeex my dance partner. nice guy to chat with. he's very friendly!
xin yi. a cheerful and outgoing person. super enthu! like to talk to her.
peishan(goh). haha. dint reallie tok much in CO. she's a very nice gal.shall interact more with her.
stella. another cheerful and outgoing gal. her smiles can melt ppl too =)
weilong. most enthu guy in og8. nice and friendly.
joshua. nice guy and quite a gentleman. but seem a bit shy?
chi long. dint tok much too. a quiet guy. from same sch but like dint see him b4 wor.haha
raseena. oh my, my very very first indian friend. nice to chat with. but will still stammer when chatting with her. haha cos my english sucks.
hope i dint miss out anyone cos i go according to the list given.OG 8 rawks!
oh ya. i forgot to mention the councillors and family heads. weihong. oh man, love the way he talks. and he dances well too! haha. and the gal from bankok. ehh dunno how to spell her name but she's a very great person! and the gal from philippines. haha dunno her name too. omg she so cute. dances very well too! and lastly, our family heads! two nice yandao guys. jinhong and jeremy. very very enthu one. cos one of them shout until lose voice le. haha. so ke lian. and they're so good to make honey drinks for us. or was it the ogls? haha. Family 2 rawks!
i LOVE the camp!!! ahh.. to think i was dreading it in the beginning.. haha. terrible mistake.
yup. i LOVE JJC! i LOVE my ogLs~! i LOVE my og mates~! =)
oh well, actually, first day i still gong gong wan lah. haha. cannot blame me. i'm retarded. =) then as time goes by.. getting more enthu le.. was most enthu on second day, which was also JJ night. i practically jumped and cheered and screamed *yes i finally know how to scream haha* yes, the atmosphere was very very high! the balloons in the hall.. really so nice. mass dance was great! and the games were fun too. though at first glance i was like, eeeeell. haha but it turned out to be so fun! =) third day, which is also the last day, hmm. a bit she bu de liao.spirit was quite low. =/ oh ya. both nights were very cold! so dint reallie sleep well. but that doesnt matter.
hmm. i want to thank JJ for making this camp such a memoriable one. thx to mr simon liao(is that how it is spelled?) always joking with us. and also mr handsome ng~ haha.
thx to the ogLs. you guys are GReAt! they're the pretty and nice Yuko, crappy Cheng Wei and Mr nice guy Boon Heng. geeeees. and of cos my OG mates:
peishan(liew). nice and friendly with a pair of electri shocking eyes haha.
jessie. another pretty gal with long nice hair and a very cute voice. she's friendly too!
yiting. the very very first person i start to talk to. a very cute gal! haha thx for always accompanying me.
boon kiat. erm,dint really tok but think he's a nice guy ya? anyway,i think i'm in the same class as him.
kuan hui.often mistaken him as chein sze. haha nice guy too. was once my dance partner.
kenneth. hohoh..everyone call him the big guy. ya. same sch since pri.
sok leng. cool gal with three ear holes! she seem like a very guai gal though. nice and neat always.
grace. always seen with sokleng.haha. nice gal too. very friendly.
hui li. haha always mix up her and li hui. very enthu gal. keep up the work!
chie yin. dint tok much to him too. shy guy? haha
chein sze. wohoo. this is a band guy. nice to chat with. think was once my dance partner too.
debbie. gees! we always took the same bus to sch. knew each other since pri sch. nice and friendly gal.
li hui. haha ya,always mix her up with hui li. another enthu gal. her laughter can influence ppl.so ppl,be careful! lol
fadhil. ooh,this crappy and funny guy.like his smile a lot. =)
tien chai. weeeex my dance partner. nice guy to chat with. he's very friendly!
xin yi. a cheerful and outgoing person. super enthu! like to talk to her.
peishan(goh). haha. dint reallie tok much in CO. she's a very nice gal.shall interact more with her.
stella. another cheerful and outgoing gal. her smiles can melt ppl too =)
weilong. most enthu guy in og8. nice and friendly.
joshua. nice guy and quite a gentleman. but seem a bit shy?
chi long. dint tok much too. a quiet guy. from same sch but like dint see him b4 wor.haha
raseena. oh my, my very very first indian friend. nice to chat with. but will still stammer when chatting with her. haha cos my english sucks.
hope i dint miss out anyone cos i go according to the list given.OG 8 rawks!
oh ya. i forgot to mention the councillors and family heads. weihong. oh man, love the way he talks. and he dances well too! haha. and the gal from bankok. ehh dunno how to spell her name but she's a very great person! and the gal from philippines. haha dunno her name too. omg she so cute. dances very well too! and lastly, our family heads! two nice yandao guys. jinhong and jeremy. very very enthu one. cos one of them shout until lose voice le. haha. so ke lian. and they're so good to make honey drinks for us. or was it the ogls? haha. Family 2 rawks!
Wednesday, January 04, 2006
omg! tml camp liaooooo~~
juz managed to squeeze all the things into my kor's nike bag. it's quite heavy! they say only jj has this orient camp. ooh, how fortunate we are. would be back onli by sat. sun dunno wanna go see weijian or not leh. if not, will pei ivy go see SHE. haha. gosh,i'm busy this week.
oh ya, i chose to take phy. cos.. my bio really very bad lah. i dun think i can memorise so many thinggs. thx to yuko or whoever other OGLs for the advice. yuko's one of my OGLs! she rawks man! very friendly and pretty. haha.
juz managed to squeeze all the things into my kor's nike bag. it's quite heavy! they say only jj has this orient camp. ooh, how fortunate we are. would be back onli by sat. sun dunno wanna go see weijian or not leh. if not, will pei ivy go see SHE. haha. gosh,i'm busy this week.
oh ya, i chose to take phy. cos.. my bio really very bad lah. i dun think i can memorise so many thinggs. thx to yuko or whoever other OGLs for the advice. yuko's one of my OGLs! she rawks man! very friendly and pretty. haha.
Monday, January 02, 2006
tml sch re-open le!! haix. sian. shld have listened to my mum--dun apply for pae.
haiya really sian lor. i dread orientation. hen hao wan meh?? -.-''
anyway,ytd my OGL called lor. i'm in OG 8,family 2 and yeLLoW!
tml have to report at 7am leh! so early! haha think i'm still in slacking mood.

Dale! where's chip?
haiya really sian lor. i dread orientation. hen hao wan meh?? -.-''
anyway,ytd my OGL called lor. i'm in OG 8,family 2 and yeLLoW!
tml have to report at 7am leh! so early! haha think i'm still in slacking mood.

Dale! where's chip?
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