Tuesday, January 17, 2006


this is the FIRST time i went home immediately after sch ends. haha. i very guai ya? lol
eh, 2 days of 'official' jc life had passed. i'm concluding that i dun really like jc life. =x i prefer sec sch life leh. sobsobs. how i miss my big classroom which can contain 36 ape genes and a forest. lol. i miss the pract rooms and all my tchers! mdm chong, pandian, surin,wassan, mrs lee and mr a yeo. oowwww.. why cant i juz stay at nan hua? with the students of jjc studying there. muahahahahs. crazy me.

haix. dunno lah. i dun like lectures. and i dun understand maths at all. shits. that's my best sub lor. sian. i'm still in a quandary whether to stay or go. well, that muz also see how i scored for my O's lah. which i think, will be 20+ ahhhh!!

[wo yao ni lao le qian wo shou, pei wo hui yi]

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