hmm.. overall, the trip was OKAY lah..
cos i think it was kinda boring to study history.
hahaha. and i couldnt understand wad the cheena ppl were saying.
hahahs. cos they tok real fast. and my mind is slow. i need to interpret wad they mean and they're already on the next move. bahhhhs. lol
didnt wear my long john lor. sian. waste my money. the weather there's cold. but i wore tshirt+ jacket+ winter coat is already enough. no snow though. so sad.
hmm. the food there. wahh. i can faint i tell you. it's either too oily or too salty. our group named the food ' wood' hahahs. diff to elaborate here. it's a longggg story. lol.
okay. last of all. i have to admit i dunno how to shop. everyone's full of shopping bags and i'm like, so free hand. hahas
and now. i'm short of gifts.. so shitty man. but nvm... i'm trying all means to divide the gifts equally. haiz. so sorry to those whom i've left out. i swear i'll buy more next time. =x
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