198.. the bus which i took to sch everyday..
haha. and i was almost late for sch today.
it was SYF today!
yeahhs. we got a silver! okay, silver is very common i noe.. but, we tot we were getting a bronze cos we didnt play as well as our practices. so everyone was like, die, bronze le.. then when the emcee announced 'silver', we practically heaved a sigh of relieve and clapped happily. haha.
then back in sch, we kinda officially step down le. cos today was also the last day of co for the J2s.. ahh. sad leh. wed would be a free day. wouldnt get used to it. haah.
oh, and there's something i wanna blog abt the other day but i didnt.
only ppl from my sch would noe. abt the blog thingy.
hmm.. i think personal blogs are for our personal views.
wadever we write, i think they shld not be taken into acct as a real fact.
cos they' re juz someone's opinion on some things. not of the majority.
if we're restricted to write certain things on the online blog (cos we find it more convenient to type), then i think there's no such purpose for an online blog le. muz well juz keep everything to heart.
ppl are being warned when they write critism. but why isnt there anything for those writing compliments? they can be a form of bias too you noe..
after all these, i think i have to be a more low profile person le. i cant even post things i wanna say/complain. this is so sickening.

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