Sunday, November 16, 2008

today went out with darling!
we went to conquer Mount Faber!

we started off with this flight of stairs which we think look more decent and clean..

but guess wad! not even 5 mins of climbing, some monkeys climbed down to our direction and blocked our pathway! we dare not continue, afraid that they'll attack.
so we changed plan and headed to another flight of stairs which looked more ulu.
climbed climbed climbed.
all the way into the forest, kinda scared. but we still headed on.
and tada! we reached the top! =D

toured around the jewel box area to cool down (got aircon mah) and ate choco ice cream!
very delicious ice cream eh? maybe cos we were really too hot.

lingered ard for quite some time b4 getting down the hill..

walked ard tbp for awhile and off we go to find uncle benny..
stayed there for quite long, chatting with uncle benny, si ni, abel and zellyn (oops, still cant spell her name)
hmm.. now very tired..
gonna watch my korean show on tv. no time to watch online lah.
tml's econs. eeekks. i hate mondays. =/

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