Sunday, September 27, 2009

have been out with limyumin<3 for the past few days.
roamed around fort canning.
haha so amusing that we can actually wifi there.
so the night wasnt lonely afterall.

okayyy, i admit that the pics of the whole body are really quite nice somehow. haha

friday was the first day of sch.
hmphh. super boring, especially when i'm learning the same thing i've been taught last year.
but i'm really concentrating hard, dun wanna lose focus and drift off elsewhere.
quitta anti-social, so i'm all alone for lecture. =/

i offered to work this weekend, cos there's alot of things to be done, some quite urgently.
haizz.. i bet i did more work than some of the staffs in office. =/
and i took a way longggggggggggg afternoon nap! haha, shiok nia.
watched coraline with daddy and mummy and bro in the night.
aiyoo, abit scary. but it's still quite a nice movie, at least the moral of the story is to tell us to cherish your family, even though you might not have the way you want your life to be. family is still the best.

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